Reza’s Google Scholar page


Sharif Razavian, R. (2025). Human-Aware Control for Physically Interacting Robots. Bioengineering, 12(2), 107. Download
Krotov, A., Sharif Razavian, R., Sadeghi, M., & Sternad, D. (2025). Time-Warping to Extract Salient Features and Decouple Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biological Signals – A Tutorial. Scientific Reports.
Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Chowdhury, R. H., Batista, A. P., Loughlin, P. J., & Sternad, D. (2024). Inferring control objectives in a virtual balancing task in humans and monkeys. ELife, 12, RP88514. Download Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Sadeghi, M., Bazzi, S., Nayeem, R., & Sternad, D. (2023). Body Mechanics, Optimality, and Sensory Feedback in the Human Control of Complex Objects. Neural Computation, 1–43. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Dreyfuss, D., Katakura, M., Horwitz, M. D., & Kedgley, A. E. (2022). An In Vitro Hand Simulator for Simultaneous Control of Hand and Wrist Movements. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69(2), 975–982. Download
Laschowski, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2021). Simulation of stand-to-sit biomechanics for robotic exoskeletons and prostheses with energy regeneration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 3(2), 455–462. Download
Shaerf, D. A., Chae, W. J., Sharif Razavian, R., Vardakastani, V., Kedgley, A. E., & Horwitz, M. D. (2020). Do “Anatomic” Distal Ulna Plating Systems Fit the Distal Ulna Without Causing Soft Tissue Impingement? HAND, 17, 155894472093030. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., & McPhee, J. (2019). On the relationship between muscle synergies and redundant degrees of freedom in musculoskeletal systems. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 13. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., & McPhee, J. (2019). A synergy-based motor control framework for the fast feedback control of musculoskeletal systems. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141(3), 031009. Download
Ghannadi, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2019). A modified homotopy optimization for parameter identification in dynamic systems with backlash discontinuity. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95(1), 57–72. Download
Ghannadi, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2018). Configuration-dependent optimal impedance control of an upper extremity stroke rehabilitation manipulandum. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., Mehrabi, N., Charlet, M., & McPhee, J. (2018). Feedback control of functional electrical stimulation for 2-D arm reaching movements. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 26(10), 2033–2043. Download
Shourijeh, M. S., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2017). Estimation of maximum finger tapping frequency using musculoskeletal dynamic simulations. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 12(5), 051009. Download
Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., & McPhee, J. (2017). Predictive simulation of reaching moving targets using nonlinear model predictive control. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10(143). Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Mehrabi, N., & McPhee, J. (2015). A model-based approach to predict muscle synergies using optimization: application to feedback control. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9(October), 1–13. Download
Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2015). Steering disturbance rejection using a physics-based neuromusculoskeletal driver model. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(10), 1393–1415. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Mehrabi, N., & McPhee, J. (2015). A neuronal model of central pattern generator to account for natural motion variation. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 11(2), 021007. Download
Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2015). A physics-based musculoskeletal driver model to study steering tasks. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 10(2), 021012. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Azad, N. L., & McPhee, J. (2013). A battery hardware-in-the-loop setup for concurrent design and evaluation of real-time optimal HEV power management controllers. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 5(3), 177–194. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Taghavipour, A., Azad, N. L., & McPhee, J. (2012). Design and evaluation of a real-time optimal control system for series hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 4(3), 260–288. Download


Anapragada, S., Bazzi, S., Sharif Razavian, R., & Sternad, D. (2024, October). Ringing a Bell: Human Control Strategies for Contact-Rich Manipulation of Complex Objects. Neuroscience 2024. 53rd Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA.
Sharif Razavian, R. (2024, August). HAMSTER: a low-cost device for assessment and rehabilitation after stroke. C-STAR: The Science of Ability. Blurring the Line Between Human and Machine, Chicago, USA.
Chowdhury, R. H., Oby, E. R., Dekleva, B., Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Pandarinath, C., Loughlin, P. J., Sternad, D., & Batista, A. P. (2024, July). Feedback-driven and feedforward movements have shared and unique aspects in motor cortical activity. 2024 Neurobiology of Cognition. Exploring the Mechanisms of Cognition with Neuroscience and Computation, Waterville Valley, NH.
Gillam, A. G., & Sharif Razavian, R. (2024). A Predictive Model of Human Movements based on Model Predictive Control for Human-Robot Interaction. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 82–87. Download
Sharif Razavian, R. (2024, June 9). A holistic human motor control model for predictive control of assistive robots. The 7th International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. The 7th International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Madison, WI. Download
Sadeghi, M., Bazzi, S., Nayeem, R., Sharif Razavian, R., & Sternad, D. (2023, November 11). Interactive Perception in the Human Manipulation of Complex Object. Neuroscience 2023. 52nd Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Download
Nayeem, R., Bazzi, S., Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., & Sternad, D. (2023). Multi-modal Interactive Perception in Human Control of Complex Objects. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 12500–12506. Download
Krotov, A., Sharif Razavian, R., Sadeghi, M., & Sternad, D. (2023, April 17). Decoupling Spatial and Temporal Variability in Time Series by Nonlinear Time-Warping. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Chowdhury, R., Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Dekleva, B., Oby, E., Sternad, D., Loughlin, P., & Batista, A. (2023, April 17). Neural activity in motor cortex evolves differently for continuously feedback-driven movements compared to discrete reaches. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Anapragada, S., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., & Sternad, D. (2023, April 17). Ringing a Bell: Human Control Strategies for Handling Objects with Internal Collisions. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Krotov, A., Sharif Razavian, R., Sadeghi, M., & Sternad, D. (2022). How to average movement data? Decoupling spatial and temporal variability to extract salient features in time series. Neuroscience 2022. 51st Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. Download
Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Chowdhury, R., Loughlin, P. J., Batista, A. P., & Sternad, D. (2022). Identifying the control priorities of monkeys and humans in a virtual balancing task. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE). Download
Chowdhury, R. H., Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Oby, E. R., Loughlin, P., Sternad, D., & Aaron, P. (2022). Neural activity in primary motor cortex as a monkey performs a virtual balancing task. Neuroscience 2022, 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Nayeem, R., Sadeghi, M., & Sternad, D. (2021). Dynamic primitives and optimal feedback control for the manipulation of complex objects. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7555–7562. Download
Sadeghi, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Chowdhury, R., Batista, A., & Sternad, D. (2021). A generative model to assess the behavior of humans and monkeys in a virtual balancing task. Neuroscience 2021, 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Download
Krotov, A., Sharif Razavian, R., Russo, M., Edraki, M., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2021). Manipulating bullwhip – aimple control of a complex object ? International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM). Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Bazzi, S., Sadeghi, M., Nayeem, R., & Sternad, D. (2021). Control of complex objects: impedance control around an optimal reference trajectory. 30th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement. Download
Krotov, A., Russo, M., Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2021). Manipulating a bullwhip: exploiting wave physics facilitates motor control. 30th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Krotov, A., Russo, M., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2021). Effects of kinematic variability on hitting a target with a bull whip. 30th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Nah, M. C., Sharif Razavian, R., Krotov, A., Edraki, M., Russo, M., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2021). Manipulating a whip – learning to control dynamically complex objects. 30th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Nayeem, R., Bazzi, S., Sharif Razavian, R., Sadeghi, M., & Sternad, D. (2021). Visual information is insufficient to interact with complex dynamic objects. 30th Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement.
Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Krotov, A., Russo, M., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2021). Variability of arm kinematics in hitting a target with a bull whip. The Society for Neuroscience Global Connectome. Download
Nah, M. C., Russo, M., Krotov, A., Sharif Razavian, R., Edraki, M., Sohn, J. C., Sternad, D., & Hogan, N. (2020). Manipulating a whip: the advantage of primitive actions. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) – Workshop on Learning Impedance Modulation for Physical Interaction: Insights from Humans and Advances in Robotics. Download
Russo, M., Krotov, A., Hoyt, H., Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2020). Manipulating a whip: motor control beyond reach? Neuromatch 3. Download
Krotov, A., Russo, M., Hoyt, H., Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Nah, M. C., Hogan, N., & Sternad, D. (2020). Manipulating a whip: complex tasks require complex methods. Neuromatch 3. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Nayeem, R., Sadeghi, M., Bazzi, S., & Sternad, D. (2020). Human control of complex objects: stochastic optimal feedback control and beyond. Neuromatch 3. Download
Nah, M. C., Krotov, A., Russo, M., Edraki, M., Sharif Razavian, R., Sternad, D., & Hogan, N. (2020). Manipulating a whip: the advantage of primitive actions. Neuromatch 3. Download
Ghannadi, B., Tajeddin, S., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2019). A unified human-robot dynamics model to control an upper extremity rehabilitation manipulandum. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics.
Shaerf, D. A., Chae, W., Sharif Razavian, R., Kedgley, A. E., & Horwitz, M. D. (2019). Do anatomic distal ulna plating systems fit the distal ulna? British Orthopedic Association Annual Congress 2019.
Sharif Razavian, R., Jiang, N., & McPhee, J. (2019). Toward real-time estimation of total leg compliance during gait. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics.
Sharif Razavian, R., & Kedgley, A. E. (2019). Design and control of a hand simulator. European Society of Biomechanics 2019.
Laschowski, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2019). Modelling and evaluation of sitting biomechanics: implications for energy-efficient lower-limb prostheses and exoskeletons. International Society of Biomechanics.
Ghannadi, B., Tajeddin, S., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2018). Rehabilitation robot accommodates therapy with model-predicted biological feedback. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics.
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., Norman-Gerum, V., & McPhee, J. (2018). A fast motor control framework for predictive simulation of musculoskeletal systems. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics 2018. Download
Ghannadi, B., Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2017). Nonlinear model predictive control of an upper extremity rehabilitation robot using a two-dimensional human-robot interaction model. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017-Septe, 502–507. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., & McPhee, J. (2017). Feedback control of functional electrical stimulation for arbitrary upper extremity movements. 2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 1451–1456. Download Download
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2017). Feedback control of upper extremity motion with FES. Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society. Download
Ghannadi, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2017). Dynamic parameter identification of an upper extremity rehabilitation robot using GPOPS-II. 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics.
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2016). Computational motor control framework based on muscle synergy. Perspectives from dynamics and control engineering. Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., Mehrabi, N., McPhee, J., & Mihailidis, A. (2016). Feedback control of functional electrical stimulation using mathematical models of the human motor control system. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Research Day. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2016). Control of redundant musculoskeletal systems using muscle synergies. Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movements. Download
Sharif Shourijeh, M., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2016). Estimation of maximum muscle contraction frequency in a finger tapping motion using forward musculoskeletal dynamic simulations. The 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2016). A motor control framework for the fast control of a 3D musculoskeletal arm motion using muscle synergy. The 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Download
Ghannadi, B., Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., McPhee, J., & Mihailidis, A. (2016). Nonlinear model predictive control of a two-dimensional human-robot rehabilitation system. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Research Day.
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2015). Minimization of muscle fatigue as the criterion to solve muscle forces-sharing problem. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, V001T15A001. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Ghannadi, B., & McPhee, J. (2015). Control of musculoskeletal arm model using muscle synergy. International Society of Biomechanics. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2014). CPG-like motor control model for periodic arm motion. World Congress of Biomechanics. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Mehrabi, N., & McPhee, J. (2014). Definition of muscle synergies for automobile steering. International Shoulder Group Meeting. Download
Mehrabi, N., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2013). A three-dimensional musculoskeletal driver model to study steering tasks. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2013, 7A, 1–8. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2013). Central pattern generator (CPG) in the control of periodic elbow flexion/extension. Ontario Biomechanics Conference (OBC). Download


Sharif Razavian, R. (2024). A human-aware control paradigm for human-robot interactions, a simulation study. bioRxiv. Download
Laschowski, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2019). Simulation of Stand-to-Sit Biomechanics for Design of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons and Prostheses with Energy Regeneration [Preprint]. Bioengineering. Download

Theses and other publications

Ghannadi, B., Sharif Razavian, R., & McPhee, J. (2019). Upper extremity rehabilitation robots: a survey. In J. Segil (Ed.), Handbook of Biomechatronics (pp. 319–353). Elsevier. Download
Sharif Razavian, R., Greenberg, S., & McPhee, J. (2019). Biomechanics imaging and analysis. In R. Narayan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (pp. 488–500). Elsevier. Download
Sharif Razavian, R. (2017). A human motor control framework based on muscle synergies [University of Waterloo]. Download