Two great achievements in one day!
Raz Lab had a tremendous day! Earlier in the morning, the HAMSTER capstone team consisting of Joe, Rylee, Keenan, and Jarred, won the 2nd place in the 2024 E-Fest at NAU! 🎉🎉🏆🏆 The HAMSTER team build a small robot for at-home rehabilitation after stroke! Congratulations to the team for this achievement! Only an hour later,…
Raz Lab has new social media pages!
Thanks to Jose for leading the efforts, we now have official pages for Raz Lab on Instagram and Linkedin! Make sure to follow us to get the latest updates about our research! Follow us on Instagram @razlab.nau Follow us on LinkedIn Raz Lab
Raz Lab Presented at the NAU STEM Poster Session
The students working on the HAMSTER robot presented a poster at the NAU STEM Poster Session as part of the Flagstaff Festival of Science.
Aeden received two awards!
May was a great month for Aeden. He received not one, but two awards from the College of Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Sciences. He first received the Professional Development Award and, a couple of weeks later, the Fred and Edith Ohlinger Scholarship! Way to go Aeden!
Braulio presented at UGRADS 2024
Braulio Gonzalez, our undergraduate researcher, presented his work at the NAU Undergraduate Symposium (UGRADS) in April 2024. Braulio is developing a low-cost handheld robot for at-home movement assessment and rehabilitation following a stroke. His work is partially supported by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity at NAU. Good job, Braulio!
The VR Robotic team won the 2nd place award in E-Fest!
The Capstone team VR Robotic presented their work at the E-Fest and were selected by the faculty judges to receive the 2nd-place award! Kudos to the team!
Reza presented Raz Lab’s research to MSU
Reza was invited by Dr. Taebi to give a virtual talk at Mississippi State University with approximately 60 attendees. The talk is now available on Taebi Lab’s YouTube channel. Thank you Amirtaha for the great session!
Our students received ME awards!
This was a great week! Three of our students who are graduating this semester received recognition for their achievements in their program: Zijian Song received the Mechanical Engineering’s Gold Gear Award for his stellar GPA of 3.9! Congratulations Zijian! Shaojie Wang received two awards! He received the Mechanical Engineering’s Silver Gear Award for his academic…
Lab receives new funding!
Our lab received funding from the Center for Smart Use of Technologies to Assess Real World Outcomes (C-STAR) to develop a low-cost device for at-home assessment of movements following a stroke.
The lab website is live!
Welcome to the Raz Lab!